168 Karrinyup Road, Karrinyup WA 6018
Monday - Friday: 7.30am to 6.30pm
Saturdays: 7.30am - 2.30pm

P (08) 9341 3020

E admin@wellness-centre.com.au

168 Karrinyup Road, Karrinyup WA 6018 | Monday – Friday: 7.30am to 6.30pm & Saturdays: 7.30am – 2.30pm

Karrinyup Wellness Centre

Dry Needling as Effective as Cortisone Injections for Hip Pain

Dry Needling as Effective as Cortisone Injections for Hip Pain

Greater trochanteric pain syndrome (GTPS) is chronic, intermittent pain and tenderness on the outside of the hip. The medical community once thought that a swollen hip bursa was the source of such pain, which led to the use of corticosteroid injections to the bursa to help decrease swelling and pain. However, researchers now believe that injuries to the muscles and tendons around the hip are the actual cause of this pain, and that inflammation is often not involved. A study published in the April 2017 issue of JOSPT found dry needling as effective as cortisone injections to reduce pain and improve function in patients with GTPS.[1]

Evidence indicates that greater trochanteric pain syndrome, chronic pain and tenderness on the outside of the hip, can be treated effectively with dry needling to this area. Dry needling is as effective as cortisone injection in reducing pain and improving movement problems caused by this condition.


Patients often ask if they should try conservative treatment options before a medical option due to the side effects. The results of this study show that patients with GTPS can get similar results from dry needling as from a corticosteroid injection. Because the outcomes were similar, dry needling may be a good option for those worried about the potential side effects and risks of a steroid injection, or who want to try a lower-risk treatment. If you have been diagnosed with this condition, dry needling has evidence-based treatment options to help you recover from it.

Side effects of cortizone injections include, but not limited to: avascular necrosis (bone death), nerve damage, infection, allergic reaction/anaphylaxis, heart palpitations, skin pigmentation problems, acne, weight gain, insomnia, increased blood pressure, increased blood sugar levels, osteoporosis, cataracts, hot flushes, mood disturbance, fat atrophy (skin dimpling), weaken tendons and other tissues, headaches, dizziness and compromised immune system.

Dry needling is a safe and cost effective clinically proven alternative to cortisone injections. This research proves it’s efficacy with hip pain, and it is only time until other areas of the body are clinically proven. At Karrinyup Wellness Centre we observe fantastic results with dry needling in many areas of the body that experience pain.

Phone the front desk team today on 9341 3020 to book an appointment with one of our Chiropractors to see if Dry Needling is appropriate for you.


[1] Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 2017 Volume:47 Issue:4 Pages:240–240 DOI: 10.2519/jospt.2017.0504

Dr Sean Laurie
By Dr Sean Laurie


Dr Sean has completed training in the Sympathetic Dominance protocol that deals particularly with people who suffer from ongoing stress, and as part of that has had extensive dealings with issues relating to jaw function. In practice Dr Sean is able to perform both gentle and firm manual adjustments, as well as pelvic blocking, NOT, Thompson Drop-piece, Activator, Dry Needling and soft-tissue release techniques.

Graduating in 2012, Dr Sean completed his 5 years of Chiropractic training locally at Murdoch University.

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At the Karrinyup Wellness Centre we have brought together a team of chiropractors, naturopaths, massage therapists, kinesiologists and a dietitian all dedicated to providing a holistic approach to your health care. Every member of our team shares a common passion and drive: to help every person in their care to improve and reach their health and wellness potential naturally.

Servicing the areas of Karrinyup, Carine, Doubleview, Scarborough, Trigg, North Beach, Gwelup, Marmion, Duncraig and surrounding northern suburb areas.

168 Karrinyup Road Karrinyup WA 6018(08) 9341 3020

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