168 Karrinyup Road, Karrinyup WA 6018
Monday - Friday: 7.30am to 6.30pm
Saturdays: 7.30am - 2.30pm

P (08) 9341 3020

E admin@wellness-centre.com.au

168 Karrinyup Road, Karrinyup WA 6018 | Monday – Friday: 7.30am to 6.30pm & Saturdays: 7.30am – 2.30pm

Karrinyup Wellness Centre

Mobility Workshop

Mobility Workshop

With all of the stretching and mobility advice I have been giving in practice over the last few years, plus the fact that March is our Month of Mobility, I have decided to put on a workshop to help people improve their mobility and instruct on some powerful stretching techniques. The aim of this workshop is to get you moving better and more freely, get rid of your stiffness and to improve fundamental movements in which you need to be strong. We will run through tips and tricks for loosening key areas such as the lower back and pelvic regions, loosening and balancing your hips, loosening tension in your neck and easing tension from bad posture – as well as on-the-spot form correction as we run through the various exercises.

Almost EVERYONE would benefit from this knowledge, but the people that get the MOST out of a session like this includes: anyone who works in front of a computer all day (this includes those with a standing desk), manual labourers (brickies, concreters, sparkies, plumbers and painters), people who drive a lot and if you struggle to touch your toes!

 The various pain-complaints that this workshop will target is: neck pain, headaches, low back pain, hip and knee pains (particularly if you ever suffered bursitis), poor posture, pain/stiffness when moving from sitting to standing and stiffness in the lower back.

So if YOU can identify with any of those complaints then show your spine some love and sign up to experience  this workshop (which includes a spiky ball for you to take home and use) and while you’re there you can get my thoughts on improving the movements that matter in your life.

Call the centre on 9341 3020 to book the Mobility Workshop, strictly limited availability.

Dr Sean Laurie

Dr Sean Laurie
By Dr Sean Laurie


Dr Sean has completed training in the Sympathetic Dominance protocol that deals particularly with people who suffer from ongoing stress, and as part of that has had extensive dealings with issues relating to jaw function. In practice Dr Sean is able to perform both gentle and firm manual adjustments, as well as pelvic blocking, NOT, Thompson Drop-piece, Activator, Dry Needling and soft-tissue release techniques.

Graduating in 2012, Dr Sean completed his 5 years of Chiropractic training locally at Murdoch University.

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At the Karrinyup Wellness Centre we have brought together a team of chiropractors, naturopaths, massage therapists, kinesiologists and a dietitian all dedicated to providing a holistic approach to your health care. Every member of our team shares a common passion and drive: to help every person in their care to improve and reach their health and wellness potential naturally.

Servicing the areas of Karrinyup, Carine, Doubleview, Scarborough, Trigg, North Beach, Gwelup, Marmion, Duncraig and surrounding northern suburb areas.

168 Karrinyup Road Karrinyup WA 6018(08) 9341 3020

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(08) 9341 3020

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168 Karrinyup Road Karrinyup WA 6018

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